perm filename REF[00,BGB] blob sn#115977 filedate 1974-08-20 generic text, type C, neo UTF8
C00001 00001
C00002 00002	{⊂C<NαADDENDAλ10I425,0P110JCFA} SECTION 11.
C00005 00003	≡[Coxeter 61]
C00008 00004	≡[Gardner 59]
C00011 00005	≡[Hilbert]
C00014 00006	≡[Newman and Sproull]
C00017 00007	≡[Schmidt]
C00020 00008	≡[Tenenbaum]
C00024 ENDMK
{⊂C;<N;αADDENDA;λ10;I425,0;P110;JCFA} SECTION 11.
	11.1	References.
	11.2	GEOMED Node Formats.
	11.3	CRE Node Formats.
⊂11.1	References.⊃

\Gerald Jacob Agin;
"Representation and Description of Curved Objects";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-173,
Stanford University, October 1972.

\C. W. Allen;
~Astrophysical Quantities~;
Athlone Press; London; 1955.

\Michael Archuleta;
"Hidden Surface Line Drainwg Algorithm";
University of Utah, Technical Report UTEC-CSc-72-121;
Salt Lake City, Utah; June 1972.

≡[Baumgart 72]
\Bruce G. Baumgart;
"Winged Edge Polyhderon Representation";
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-179,
Stanford University, October 1972.

≡[Baumgart 73]
\Bruce G. Baumgart;
"Image Contouring and Comparing";
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-199,
Stanford University, October 1972.{Q}

≡[Baumgart May 74]
\Bruce G. Baumgart;
"GEOMED - A Geometric Editor";
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-232,
Stanford University, May 1974.

\Nedret Berkay;
"Determination of Space Coordinates of Photographic Exposures
by a Semi-Graphic Method";
Brausch & Lomb Photogrammetry Yearbook; 1958.

\Steve A. Coons;
"Surface for Computer Aided Design of Space Forms";
Project MAC Technical Report, MAC-TR-41,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; June 1967.

≡[Coxeter 61]
\Harrold S. M. Coxeter;
~Introduction to Geometry~;
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1961.

≡[Coxeter 63]
\Harrold S. M. Coxeter;
~Regular Polytopes~;
Macmillan, New York, 1963.

\Richard Duda and Peter Hart;
~Pattern Classification and Scene Analysis~;
John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1973.

\Sahibsingh Amulsingh Dudani;
"An Experimental Study of Moment Methods for
Automatic Identification of Three Dimensional Objects
from Television Images.";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering;
Communication and Control Systems Laboratory,
Ohio State University; Columbus, Ohio; August 1970.

\Howard Eves;~A Survey of Geometry~;Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1965.

\Gilbert Falk;
"Computer Interpretation of Imperfect Line Data as a Three Dimensional Scene";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-132, August 1970.

\Jerome Feldman, Gilbert Falk and Lou Paul;
"Computer Representation of Simply Described Scenes";
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, SAILON-52; Stanford University, 1969.

Richard P. Feynman, Robert B. Leighton, Matthew Sands;
\~<The Feynman> Lectures on Physics~;
Addison-Wesley; Reading, Massachusetts; 1963.

\Herbert Freeman;
"Computer Processing of Line Drawings";
ACM Computing Surveys, volume 6, number 1; March 1974.

≡[Gardner 59]
Martin Gardner;
~<The Scientific American Book of> Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions~;
Simon and Schuster; New York; 1959.

≡[Gardner 61]
Martin Gardner;
~<The 2nd Scientific American Book of> Mathematical Puzzles and Diversions~;
Simon and Schuster; New York; 1959.

\Aharon Gill; "Visual Feedback and Related Problems
in Computer Controlled Hand Eye Coordination";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-178,
Stanford University, October 1972.

\James Gips; "Shape Grammars and their Uses";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-231,
Stanford University, May 1974.

\Herbert Goldstein; ~Classical Mechanics~;
Addison-Wesley; Reading, Massachusetts; 1950.

\Henri Gouraud;	"Computer Display of Curved Surfaces";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science,
University of Utah, Technical Report UTEC-CSc-71-113;
Salt Lake City, Utah; June 1971.{Q}

\Gunnar R. Grape; "Model Based (Intermediate-Level) Computer Vision";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-201,
Stanford University, May 1973.

\William C. Graustein; ~Differential Geometry~;
Macmillan; New York; 1935.

\Adolfo Guzman; "Computer Recognition of Three Dimensional Objects in a Visual Scene";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Project MAC Technical Report, MAC-TR-59,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; December 1968.

\David Hilbert and S. Cohn-Vossen; translated by Nemenyi, P.;
~Geometry and the Imagination~;
Chelsea Publishing Company; New York; 1952.

\Donald Ervin Knuth; ~The Art of Computer Programming~;
Addison-Wesley; Reading,Massachusetts; 1968.

\Lawrence J. Krakauer;
"Computer Analysis of Visual Properties of Curved Objects";
Project MAC Technical Report, MAC-TR-82,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; May 1971.

\Warren J. Luzadder; ~Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing~
~<for design, communication, and numerical control>~;
Printice-Hall; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; 1971.

\Kiyoshi Maruyama; "A Procedure to Determine Intersections Between Objects";
International Journal of Computer and Information Sciences, volume 1, number 3, 1972.

≡[McCarthy 64]
\John McCarthy; "Computer Control of a Machine for Exploring Mars`;
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-14,
Stanford University, June 1964.{Q}

≡[McCarthy 68]
\John McCarthy and Patrick Hayes;
"Some Philosophical Problems from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelligence";
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-73,
Stanford University, November 1968.

\Marvin Minsky; "Frame-Systems";
Unpublished Paper, MIT-AI LAB 1974;
(cf. draft version of 27 February 1974; SAIL internal document).

≡[Misner, Thorne and Wheeler]
\Charles W. Misner, Kip S. Thorne, John A. Wheeler;
W.H.Freeman and Company; San Francisco; 1973.

\Edward J. Muller;
~Architectural Drawing <and Light Construction>~;
Printice-Hall; Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey; 1967.

≡[Newman and Sproull]
William M. Newman and Robert F. Sproull;
\~Principles of Interactive Computer Graphics~; McGraw-Hill; New York; 1973.

\Frederic Ira Parke; "Computer Generated Animation of Faces";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering,
University of Utah, Technical Report UTEC-CSc-72-123;
Salt Lake City, Utah; June 1972.

≡[Paul 69]
\Richard Paul, Gilbert Falk and Jerrome A. Feldman;
"The Computer Representation of Simply Described Scenes";
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-101,
Stanford University, October 1969.

≡[Paul 72]
\Richard Paul; "Modelling, Trajectory Calculation and Servoing of a Computer Controlled Arm";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-177,
Stanford University, November 1972.

\Lynn H. Quam; "Computer Comparison of Pictures";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-144,
Stanford University, May 1971.{Q}

≡[Quam et al]
\Lynn H. Quam, Sidney Liebes, Robert B. Tucker,
Botond G. Eross and Marsha Jo Hannah;
"Computer Comparison of Pictures";
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-166,
Stanford University, April 1972.

\Larry G. Roberts; "Machine Perception of Three Dimensional Solids";
Lincoln Laboratory Technical Report no. 315;
Lexington, Massachusetts; May 1963.

\Azriel Rosenfeld; "Picture Processing by Computer";
ACM Computer Surveys, volume 1, number 3; September 1969;

\Rodney A. Schmidt; "A Study of the Real-Time Control of a Computer Driven Vehicle";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering;
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-149, Stanford University, May 1971.

\Virgil Snyder and C.H.Sisam; ~Analytic Geometry of Space~;
Henry Holt and Company; New York; 1914.

\Irwin Sobel; "Camera Models and Machine Perception";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering;
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-121,
Stanford University, May 1970.

\Bonnie Stewart; ~Adventures Among the Toroids~; Okemos, Michigan; 1970.

≡Sutherland, Sproull and Schumacker(73)
\Ivan E. Sutherland, Robert F. Sproull, and Robert A. Schumacker;
"A Characterization of Ten Hidden-Surface Algorithms";
Evans & Sutherland Computer Corporation,
Salt Lake City, Utah; 1973.
(also published in: ACM Computing Surveys;
volume 6, number 1; March 1974).

≡Sutherland (69)
\Ivan E. Sutherland;
draft copy of "A Method for Solving Arbitrary-wall mazes by Computer";
which later appeared in the IEEE transactions on Computers, 1969.{Q}

≡Sutherland (70)
\Ivan E. Sutherland; "Computer Displays";
Scientific American, volume 222, number 6; June 1970.

≡Sutro and Kilmer(69)
\Louis L. Sutro and William L. Kilmer;
"Assembly of Computers to Command and Control a Robot";
Instrumentation Laboratory, Report number R-582;
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; February 1969.

\Keith R. Symon; ~Mechanics~;
Addison-Wesley; Reading, Massachusetts; 1953.

\Jay Martin Tenebaum;
"Accommodation in Computer Vision";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-134,
Stanford University, October 1970.

\David L. Waltz; "Generating Semantic Descriptions 
from Drawings of Scenes with Shadows";
MIT Aritificial Intelligence Laboratory, Technical Report, AI-TR-271,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; November 1972.

\John E. Warnock;
"A Hidden-Line Algorithm for Halftone Picture Representation,"
Technical Report 4-5, Department of Computer Science,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; May 1968.

\John E. Warnock;
"A Hidden-Surface Algorithm for Computer Generated Halftone Pictures";
Technical Report 4-15, Department of Computer Science,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; June 1969.

\G. S. Watkins;
A Real-Time Visible Surface Algorithm";
University of Utah, Technical Report UTEC-CSc-70-101;
Salt Lake City, Utah; June 1970.

≡[Winograd 71]
\Terry Winograd;
"Procedures as a Representation for Data in a Computer Program
for Understanding Natural Language";
Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics;
MIT Aritificial Intelligence Laboratory, Technical Report, AI-TR-17 OR MAC-TR-84,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, Massachusetts; January 1971.

≡[Winograd 74]
\Terry Winograd;
"Frame Representations and the Declarative/Procedural Controversy";
(forthcoming), 1974.

\Yoram Yakimovsky;
"Scene Analysis Using a Semantic Base for Region Growing";
Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science Department,
Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Memo no. AIM-209,
Stanford University, June 1973.

\Charles T. Zahn; "Two-Dimensional Pattern Description
and Recognition via Curvaturepoints";
Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, SLAC Report no. 70,
Stanford University, December 1966.